Sunday, January 21, 2007

9 months

Today Laney is 9 months old. I won't lie- I miss my newborn. I miss holding her in my arms when she wasn't squirming to get down. I miss holding her while she peacefully slept. I miss her tiny being. I miss her laying still as I tried to change her diaper.
Yet, I love 9 months. I love that she will crawl to me when I walk in the room. I love that she giggles and smiles at me. I love that she is strong enough to pull herself up on everything. I love that she turns and looks at me and seems to know that I am her mom. I love that if I start to sing Pat-a-cake, she starts to clap her hands (she obviously has her mother's intelligence.) I love that she eats real food- and a lot of it. I love to constantly hear mamamama all day long. I love that she spits at Erich when he spits at her. I love to watch my baby grow up.


Courtney said...

That baby has some cute clothes.

Jennifer Woodbury said...

Wow, she has really grown up Mandy! It's been too long since I've seen a picture. She is too, too cute.

So happy that you are blogging now!!

Nancy said...

I love it when she sticks her tongue out at me. Maybe when she is older she can remake the band Kiss and have a girl lead singer, I think her father would be proud!