Saturday, February 17, 2007

Bottle Advice Needed

I am in need of serious serious bottle advice. Although my child is almost 10 months old, I feel that we are reverting back to the newborn stage in terms of feeding. Let me explain a little. Because of many factors, Laney has been a bottle-fed baby since she was just a few weeks old. She was extremely gassy and because of that feeding time was extremely long. She would eat an ounce or so and then we would have to stop and burp. Then another ounce and more burping. If she didn't burp, she would refuse any more bottle. After a few months we could go a couple of ounces and by about 5 months we could make it through half way through the bottle before we had to burp. It was a glorious day when Laney could hold her own bottle- she would eat half the bottle, roll to her tummy to burp, and then we could roll her back over to finish the bottle. Life has been like that for a bit.
Now back to the present time and our new found problem. Laney has decided that she know longer needs a bottle. She is eating great with other foods but she won't drink her milk. We have to cradle her like a newborn and practically force feed her to get her to eat- and we can only get about an ounce in before she wiggles out of the grasp. She only has 3 bottles a day and they are only 6 ounce bottles so I don't feel like I am giving her too much but maybe I am. Am I possibly feeding her too much other food. Or am I freaking out about something that I don't need to? So I am taking any and all of your suggestions. Thanks.


Unknown said...

Cole does the same thing when he get's an ear or sinus infection (we've had 3). That might be worth looking into.

The doctor also told me that come a year old, they should be getting about 12 oz. of milk/day. That was way less than Cole was getting. Maybe that will ease your worries a bit (but maybe you're already at around 12 oz/day??).

Good luck!

Lindsey said...

Oh, I can't remember those things. My recommendation would be to call the pediatrician. That's what they are there for.

Anonymous said...

I think at a year old my ped said they should be getting between 16-20 oz a day, so I think she's probably getting enough. But I agree with Linds, definitely call your doctor to be sure.

Katharine said...

Is she having enough wet diapers? Maybe she is going through a phase right now. Have you tried a sippy cup with her or a regular cup? Or did I read it wrong and that is what you are giving her already. Addy would go through phases where she would be really distracted when I was nursing her so I didn't think she was getting enough, but she grew out of it pretty quickly. Maybe you should try giving her her milk before her meal then she will want to drink because it will be a time when she is hungry. Just some thoughts. Good luck!

Nancy said...

Oh Mandy pants, she's fine, just bored. Try a sippie cup, she might think it's more fun and drink more for you, I say don't worry!