March is over and that is good. It means two more months of school. It means a trip to Disneyland with Erich's family and spring break in AZ with part of my family. It also means Laney is almost one. Hopefully it means spring is really coming, that school will start to get less busy, and that I can be a better blogger. Until next time, enjoy Laney. This is what she is doing 99% of the time when you go to get her out of her crib!
And this is what she does when she realizes you are really going to rescue her out of that bed!!
ok so I don't have a teething bar on our crib and was thinking about putting one on and the other day. When I went to get Addy up from her nap today her she had chewed through the paint down to the wood on her railing. what is up with that? Babies are so crazy!
Isn't that the best when they get so excited to see you come into the room and get them out of the crib! I love that excited face!
so cute, her hair is getting so long, looks like she's not getting the natural curl of her mother and father.
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