Saturday, March 10, 2007

Laney at 10 1/2 months

I think it is time again to make sure I document my child's personality. I think 10 months is a fun age. Here are some of Laney's tricks at this age.

  • She is very independent. Laney could play by herself for hours. She does like some interaction but mainly through talking- like mimicking the noises her toys make. She loves to play in her corner of the family room. She pulls down all of her book, empties her toy basket, and then switches between toys and books over and over.

  • She likes to play peek-a-boo or our version of it. She thinks it is hilarious if she can just barely see you. So we have to hide below the counter tops at meal time and behind the couches during play time and let her catch a peek of us. After she sees you for just an instance, she giggles. And then she cranes her neck again to try and catch another glimpse of you.

  • She is a talker. We have yet to recognize or understand any of her talking besides mamamamama but she likes to talk. I think sometimes she tries to copy what we say but mainly she likes to hear her voice.

  • She MIGHT be getting her first tooth. Erich laughed at me when I said this today because I have said it before but maybe I am right this time. Why else would she wake up at 5 am and play in bed until her mom is nice enough to get up at 6 or 6:30? And why else would she not want to nap? And why else when we go to get her out of bed would she be biting on her crib? Oh, I am sure there are a million reasons but maybe she just might be getting a tooth!

  • She is just barely trying to figure this walking alone thing out. If we hold up the right toy, she will take one step or maybe two steps with the same foot. Then she just gets down and crawls to you. I have noticed though that her balance is getting much better so maybe that will lead to more steps.

  • She loves anything electronic. She likes cell phones and remotes. She has recently discovered the wireless router and thinks that is cool because it has movable antennas. And she loves to use the x-box as a chair and a stepping stool.

  • She on occasion likes to be held by someone. Usually after about 2 minutes on your lap is is begging to get down. But on occasion now, she will crawl to us and wait to be held. I get it more often when I come home from work and you can believe I love it. I even like the little cry that accompanies it if I go to wash my hands before picking her up. (Public schools have lots of germs!)

These are some of my favorite traits of Laney right now. But I pretty much love anything she does.


Courtney said...

She's looking so old. You guys better come visit quick (since you know we won't be there any time soon). I almost didn't recognize her in those cute outfits!

Nancy said...

You'd better come visit quick because it's getting hot here, before you know it, it'll be too hot! We're going to be in Utah about June 25-July 4thish, will you be in town?

Anonymous said...

I didn't realize Laney was late in the teeth department too. Ella didn't get her first tooth until almost 11 months. She really is too adorable!

Anonymous said...

I meant that Laney was adorable by the way...I realized that sort of sounded like I was bragging about my own child's cuteness.

Adrienne said...

She is just too adorable! Growing so fast..we really need a reunion someday!

love.boxes said...

so cute! :)

Katharine said...

Mandy she is so stinkin cute!!!