Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Work, Work, Work

When my sister Courtney had her triplets and was a mother to 4 under the age of 2, my mom gave her some wise advice. She told her when the kids were asleep it was time to work, work, work. Since having Laney, I have heard this often as well. Unfortunately for Courtney and I, I don't think we have always followed our wise mother. I know that often when I put Laney in bed for her afternoon nap, I watch my saved TiVo shows, nap, read blogs, scrapbook, and waste time on the internet. And then at night, I never figure out why I have done nothing with my house. Because of this, I am trying to learn to better multi-task. For example, while Laney ate dinner tonight, I sat at the kitchen table and folded laundry. And while Laney was in the bath, I graded my students' make-up work. (Note to self, don't multi-task during bath time. . .it leads to a very wet bathroom floor.) And I am blogging while Laney feeds herself her evening bottle. I think tomorrow, I am going to try to work, work, work during nap time! Any other suggestions on how to get my housework done?

In other news, today I watched Laney attempt to take a step on two different occasions. Once while I sat on the floor with her, she lunged and stepped toward my phone. And once in the bath, she went for a toy. The step usually ends up with her on her bottom but still big steps for such a little girl!


Anonymous said...

Your use of nap time sounds eerily similar to mine. So I obviously will be no help in that department. I do find the multi-tasking is pretty effective though.

Anonymous said...

Your use of nap time sounds eerily similar to mine. So I obviously will be no help in that department. I do find the multi-tasking is pretty effective though.

Courtney said...

Jenn has been posting mysteriously as "h" all over the Internet.

I get a lot more done when I follow the work, work, work philosophy but sometimes a girl just needs to blog!

Lindsey said...

Ok, so I am certainly not the expert, but I must admit that I feel much better at the end of the day when I finish the work in my fee time. I hate when its time to go to bed and I have barely crossed anything off of my to do list. I just have to remind myself of this to get motivated to work before I play.