Friday, April 6, 2007

Ditching, sluffing, or whatever you call it

Today I stayed home from work. I guess it wasn't technically ditching as I reported my absence earlier in the week and had a substitute in place for me. Nonetheless, I took the day off. It was a big step for me. The control freak in me hates to leave my students with a sub. I have seen too many of them sit and read books or tell stories of their childhood or not give out my assignment because they didn't feel like it. So, I usually go to work no matter if I am sick or healthy. (Erich and I got in a huge argument about it one morning when we had only been married a few months. He told me I wasn't going to get better if I continued to work. I told him I couldn't leave my kids with a sub. He about died. He won the argument and I stayed home.)

This time was different. Earlier in the week I decided I needed a day off. Erich was going to be gone so I was going to have to ask Craig (my younger brother) to babysit again and I was feeling bad. So I took a personal day. And I loved it. I need to do this more often. I feel a little relaxed and a little rejuvenated. And I am sure my kids survived without me.

I did have to get Craig to come babysit for a little bit though so I could go to PT for this back of mine. My doctor kindly said today, "Your last pregnancy really did a number on your pelvis. That is what is causing all of your problems." Well, thank you. Now I hope he can fix it and make sure this pregnancy doesn't do another number on my pelvis.

Laney and I did a little shopping as well. I found a few things for myself and some new white shirts for Laney. (She seems to stain them within 5 minutes of putting them on and I don't have the expert washer to save all of her clothes.) We also picked up a few things for Easter.

And I have attempted some cleaning. Kelli's post about cleaning put me in the mood to clean. I haven't done nearly as much as her. It will take me a week or so. But I hope to get rid of some stuff and have a clean house soon. Thanks, Kelli for making me want to be productive.

And now Laney is fast asleep and I am enjoying some quiet time. By not going to work I missed out on my 40 minutes of alone time. I am catching up on it now. And I am enjoying it.

Have a fabulous Easter weekend!


Unknown said...

Glad you got a day off, Mand. Pelvis problems? No good. I keep on checking in for these pre-written saved posts, but I do have to say that you're on a blogging spree. I like this new you. :)
Good luck with the cleaning.

Mandy said...


The pre-written saved posts appeared in chronological order of when they are written. (I didn't know how it would happen.) So they are in the ned of February and the middle of March.

Kristen said...

So what is your doctor doing about your pelvis? I am having the hardest time after Carson, and I went to a chiropractor, who took x-rays, and he said my pelvis is all jacked up too, and it is causing tremendous pain. There are so many things I cannot do now, but I am wondering if I should go to a doctor, or continue with the chiropractor. It is killing me though, I cannot bend over sometimes!

Courtney said...

I want to take a ditch day - oh wait I did that last week - but I still want to take a ditch day!

Mandy said...


My doctor sent me to a physical therapist. I have seen him twice this past week and am scheduled to see him three times this coming week. He works with me for about 25 minutes and then I have certain stretches and exercises I do with the others working there. All of them are working the lower back area. This past time, they added the bike and treadmill. It has already made such a huge difference to me. I am still having some pain but not nearly as much as before. He told me, he will give me an exercise plan to do on my own as well so that hopefully I will not have pelvis problems with this pregnancy. I know some people have liked their chiropractor as well but if you don't think it is working, I would see if your doc will send you to a PT. Hope this helps.
