My birthday is this weekend and Erich's is in about 3 weeks. Do you think it is bad that we have already purchased and exchanged gifts? I guess we just aren't patient.
Erich actually purchased his own gift about a month ago and bought a LCD TV that is mounted on our family room wall. It was on sale at Costco so he had to buy it then. I think he really loves it. (I know I do).
My gift came yesterday. Erich picked it out and purchased it on his own. He picked it up early and then couldn't hold in the surprise anymore. He bought me a ring. Most of you know, when we got

I opted for the
sapphire and diamond band with an accompany plain band. I love it now just as much as I did then. Sure a diamond would have been nice but I thought the money could have been better used for something at that time and I felt strongly that we should not go into debt for a ring. Fast forward to about a month ago. Erich and I were discussing engagement rings with my younger brother Craig and his fiancee Taylor. Somehow during the discussion, an engagement ring that Erich had purchased for someone before me was brought up. We mentioned it briefly and that was that. I guess that got Erich thinking. He decided since we actually made money at this point in our lives it might be nice to spend more money on my ring than he did on hers. (He said it not me) So he bought me a ring. I love it and it looks perfect next to my
sapphire and diamond band. It is actually exactly what I would have picked out 4 years ago or a month ago if I was involved in the selection. I would have been fine without it but now that it is mine, I love it. Best birthday/Mother's day gift I ever received. (Don't worry mom, the Snoopy Snow Cone Machine from "Israel" comes in a close second!)
So happy birthday to Erich and me!
I love that ring! It is my ring exactly, except that mine also has two small inlaid diamonds on either side of the tension set one.
What a nice gift...can Erich help Brad come up with ideas for me? =0)
I love the ring too. Now we need a picture of it on your finger with your band next to it so I can get the full effect - better yet can't you and Laney come down for another visit so I can see it in person?
Happy early birthday!! The ring is gorgeous! Erich did good.
Happy Birthday, Mandy! You've gotta love a man who can't keep a secret from his wife!
He just got the ring so people wouldn't be worried you were a pregnant teenager! Just kidding, love love the ring, how fun, I want one!
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