I think we have a walker. It is amazing to see how quickly they can pick up new tricks. Friday was the first time I saw Laney walk more than 10 steps at a time. Now she can walk from her bedroom to the family room. Yes, she looks a little intoxicated while doing it but she is still doing it. And tonight, on one of her trips to her bedroom, she fell a few times and was able to stand back up without the use of the wall or couch or anything. While she still crawls, she is getting more and more determined to walk places. I think walking feels better on her knees than crawling! I love to see her grow up.
In other news, Laney is at her crabbiest in Sunday mornings. I think it has to do with putting clothes on so early but she pouts and fusses all morning. Once we get to church she is pretty good. Until about the middle of Sacrament meeting. Then it is all downhill. (BTW, we have Sacrament meeting last.) So since she was wearing this very cute dress this morning, I was trying to take some pictures. Unfortunately, she was crying or pouting in all of them. Erich looks like he is as well. This was my favorite though!
Congrats on becoming a walker Laney! I agree...walking is much easier on the knees than crawling. I love the expression on Laney's face in that picture. Priceless!
That is too cute. Carson was terrible at church yesterday as well. He gets through sacrament just fine, and gospel doctrine he eats, and should go to sleep... but he doesnt, so he's a runt the rest of the meetings. Yesterday he was so loud I just left! My son is going to make me inactive =) I can't believe she is walking, she is so cute. I love the pic of Laney in all her winter atire. I told Jason that story and he said "I don't see what the problem is, thats what I would have done"... yes, it is what Jason would have done! I also really enjoy your birthday present, my birthday is November 2nd, you should tell Erich I want something similar!
so funny, I love Laney's many facial expressions. Hmm..I wonder where she gets them?
That is the funniest picture. Seriously, like Daddy, like Daughter.
Your little pooper is the cutest thing i have ever seen!!! I'm talking about the baby:) I'm so excited that i got your blog site!
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