Monday, July 23, 2007

Mysteries of My Life

I think I have insomnia. I think I get it from my dad. Pregnancy does not help. I am waking up to use the restroom or because I am too hot or because the baby is moving. And then I start to ponder some of the following mysteries. It doesn't help my insomnia. So I am seeking help. Please solve these mysteries for me.
  • Does Allie sound too much like Ellie?
  • What are some good easy dinners I can make? I have taken a little cooking break but need to get back on track. I am always trying to think of good but somewhat healthy foods to make. I come up with nothing.
  • What would be a good quote to put up in vinyl lettering in Laney's room? (Erich is the proud co-owner of a vinyl cutting machine. It is a little side business I guess you could say. Because all race cars need cool vinyl numbers and stuff on their car.) And on that note, if I want some vinyl in other places in my house, what should I do?
  • Why won't Laney eat half of the time? Sometimes she just throws all the food on the floor, sometimes she chews up a bunch of food and then spits it out, and sometimes she eats great. And why is it that no matter how much or how little she just ate, if Erich or I try to eat after her, she comes and begs at our side like a puppy dog? And even stranger, why will she refuse something when I give it to her for dinner yet love it 20 minutes later when I am eating it for dinner?
  • Could my child have a height complex at 15 months? We catch her walking around on her tip-toes all the time. And if there is any sort of raised surface nearby, she gets on it. Is she bothered by being short so young?
  • How do I get my 15 month old to last through 3 hours of church? We can handle sacrament meeting, and usually manage one other meeting, but all 3 hours is killing her. So one of us gets to roam the halls during some part of church. And the problem isn't noise. She is pretty quiet, she is just very active. She wants to be walking around at ALL times.
  • Where am I going to find a good substitute for 6 weeks who I can trust to actually attempt to teach my students?

I think these are my major mysteries right now. Again, if any of you can solve any of them, please let me know. And pictures are coming soon. Mainly of Laney climbing on everything. She can now move the chair, climb on it, and get on top of the kitchen table or one of our desks in about 15 seconds- scary!


Nancy said...

I'm a good mystery solver. Okay so no kids eat, mystery solved right there. I've learned you have to worry more about what they eat weekly, than daily, and that no child will starve to death. They will let you know when they actually get hungry. I don't you need to worry about Allie sounding like Ellie since you don't own an Ellie, but what happened to Betsy? And for dinner tonight I made beef with broccoli, so good and easy. Just get a flat iron steak, slice it really thin, and fry it in a tablespoon of hot oil till it's mostly browned, then add broccoli on top and put the lid on to steam for a few minutes. Oh, I did marinade the steak most of the day in terriyaki sauce. Then add it to rice with some yoshida's sauce and bingo, yummy dinner even your kids will love. As for the vinyl letters don't say anything like Princess, that's annoying. Maybe something more like sweet dreams, or something nice and sweet. I can't remember the rest of your mysteries, but next time you need them solved, just call me. Sorry about the insomnia, if you were going to Dr. McKernan he'd just put you on vicadin and you'd sleep like a baby, no kidding!

Nancy said...

could I write a longer comment?

Nancy said...

Okay me again, what happened to the idea that Erich would be the sub?

Courtney said...

If it makes you feel any better - all toddlers are inconsistent eaters and all parents of 15 month olds wander the halls in church. I'll have to think on the rest of the dilemmas.

mckay said...

YAY for vinyl machines! I love mine, and it is a GREAT side business!

Devin never ate until 4 months ago.

Ellie and Allie are both cute and don't sound too much alike. Um, that's all I got for now.

Katharine said...

Don't worry about the eating thing...she will grow out of it! Addy is at the same stage. I get so frustrated by dinner time cleaning up our floor with her food that I want to cry sometimes! As for Church...we are dealing with the same issues, except we are out in the hall most of the three hours. Addy is not only active she is extreemly loud. She will talk to herself and anyone else around her who will listen. I am trying to stay patient and live through these next few months before she can go to nursery. As for the vinal letters... I saw some really cute sayings on this website... Hope this helps. I will keep checking your comments for any more advice, so I can use it on Addy.

Anonymous said...

I have many of the same mysteries as you. The only one I can answer for sure is the church one. You just have to accept the fact that you will get nothing out of church until Laney can go to the nursery. Only a few short months now! I was counting down the weeks until Ella could go.

Lindsey said...

I love Allie. We have a cousin who named her little girl Allie, and it is so cute! And no, it is not too much like Ellie. As for quick, easy dinners, I usually turn to the grill. Chicken breasts, flank steak, shrimp...anything is good marinated and grilled. And I love wall decals. My favorite website for inspiration is

Angela said...

I bet Nancy could be your sub. She's real good at math.