Saturday, August 11, 2007


My sister Courtney tagged me. Here I go.

1. What was your favorite era in life (e.g. preschool, junior high, college, working years, mom years, etc) and why? First off, I teach junior high. Nobody likes junior high. This is a hard one for me. I loved different eras for different reasons. And I don't want to sound like I don't LOVE being a mom because I do. It brings me a more joy than I could imagine but I am going to say the pre-marriage working years. I think I had more independence in those 2 years than at any point in my life. And it was a growing time for me. I needed to figure out what I really wanted and needed. Plus, I loved making my own money and being able to do whatever I wanted with it (like travelling to CA to see my sister multiple times a year.) These are also the years when I met and dated Erich. And while those were a roller coaster ride as well, I enjoyed them. Once I got married though, the working was not as fun as I had to worry about being responsible and such.
2. If you could change one choice you've made in life what would it be? I would never have declared accounting as a major in college. What was I thinking? I guess I succumbed to peer pressure to easily! I am glad it took less than a semester to realize that while accounting is for half of my family and friends, it wasn't for me!
3. Who is the first person you talk to in the morning? Right now, it is Laney. She is my wake-up call most days. But seeing how school starts soon, it will probably be Michelle J. or Danielle L. who are both teachers at my school. They are there early like me and I usually need to do some last minute planning with one of them. (Erich is not a morning person.)
4. What's in your tivo season pass (or if you are old school what are your never miss tv shows)? Grey's Anatomy, Friday Night Lights, Amazing Race, The Office, What About Brian, and Intervention
5. What's your favorite day of the year? Right now, the last day of May. That is usually our last day of school and so it means summer vacation. Often times, it is the first day of my summer trip to AZ as well. (Don't get me wrong, I love the holidays and such but the end of the school year is a big day for a school teacher.)

My five questions are:
1. If you could only watch one movie for the rest of your life, which would it be and why?
2. What is your favorite website to look at?
3. What is your favorite modern-day invention?
4. What one event has changed you the most?
5. When you are having a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day, who do you call?

The people I tag are: Jenn, Liz, Lindsey, Katharine, and Adrienne.


Nancy said...

This tagging thing is fun, I need to get on my five questions!

Adrienne said...

I am going to respond to your questions today - this is fun and gives me something to ponder today. Good luck with the beginning of school - just remember what a difference you make and BTW I LOVE the name Allie!

Anonymous said...

It's on my list of things to do! Too bad I have one other tag I'm supposed to do too. I am so bad at these things! Why do questions like this stress me out? LOL

Liz said...

I just read yours and saw that you tagged me. I have never been tagged before, so I guess I better try it.I will get on it!! Can't wait to see you this weekend.