Thursday, September 16, 2010

Primary Program

I am currently the Primary President in our ward. Last week was our program in Sacrament meeting. It was a source of major stress for me as I tend to stress about things like that. We added parts, deleted parts, changed parts, etc. But all of the lost sleep was worth it. The kids were so reverent, they did a great job on their parts, and the music was great. I found myself crying multiple times. I couldn't have asked for a better program- and we ended up right on time.

It was Laney's first program as well. She learned her part and did a great job. She sang most of the songs. And even did most of the sign language. It is so fun to watch her grow.

I feel so lucky to serve in the primary. I work with great women (they also changed my counselors the day of the program) who love these kids. I love the energy of the kids and the teaching moments we have there. It was a great day!
And I know that isn't the best picture but I didn't have one with both girls looking I chose this one because Laney always is the kid looking away.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

lucky girl! Ours isn't until October and I'm still in stressing mode, the kids look adorable!