This little face is 6 months old. Where has the time gone? I am lucky to say he is dream baby. He is happy, eats well, sleeps well, and seems to be holding up to all the attention his big sisters give him. (The oldest one in particular.) And who can resist his sweet dimples?
At 6 months old, Nixon Ralphie (thanks Uncle John for teaching the girls that endearing nickname) likes to:
- roll and roll and roll- into the wall, under our Christmas tree, to a toy or a cousin (Sorry Abs)
- eat food. He seems to enjoy his rice cereal and his green vegetables. Next week we might venture to the orange veggies.
- look at whoever is talking to him and give a big smile. I love when he is sitting on my lap and I start to talk and he cranes his neck back to see me.
- get on his hands and knees and rock. Really, stop growing up so fast.
- put everything in his mouth. The girls are learning the importance of not leaving legos or other small toys on the floor. And their shoes.
- hold his own bottle. Well, I'm not sure he loves to hold it but his dad and I sure love that he can do it.
- sit up for short periods of time.
- spit up. It's something I hope he grows out of quickly.
Really, we can't get enough of him. Laney and Allie like to claim that he is their baby but I feel lucky that he is mine.
When the blog name "My Life" came up on my google reader with a new post I honestly couldn't even remember who's blog it was cause it's been so long since you have posted. Such a cute pic. He is seriously adorable. All of your kids are. I am going to miss seeing you guys every week and especially hearing Laney say hi Dust!
sitting up? tell that boy to slow down! He is adorable.
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