Sunday, January 9, 2011

CP #2

This post could also be titled, My name is Mandy, I am a Mormon, and I am a working mother. (And I don't believe that makes me any less of a Mormon or a mother.)

Four years ago, I started this blog. My first entry was about the guilt I felt about working part-time when Laney was a baby. Here I am, 4 years later in a similar situation. Now I have 3 kids and I actually was recently hired on full-time at my current job working for an online school. (Health insurance is a lot better when you work for a company then when you are self-employed). The main difference is that I am able to work entirely from home. Aside from 6 set "office hours" a week, I am able to set my own schedule. I do a lot of work when the girls are at school or asleep or when they are busy playing make-believe in the playroom. Luckily, I overhear all their conversations and can laugh and wonder at their imaginations. I can stop the fights from my computer. Nobody knows that I am holding Nixon as I work. And I can take a break to snuggle on the couch, make snacks, fold laundry, etc.

One of the biggest differences for me is that my guilt has almost subsided over this issue. Aside from reading or hearing comments from other people about the subject, I do not feel bad about this decision.

So I am hear to stick up for myself and for others in the same situation as me.

Just because I have a job, it doesn't mean I am not a good member. I attend church weekly, hold a calling, try to do my visiting teaching, attend the temple, and try to teach my kids the gospel.

Just because I have a job, it doesn't mean that I am of little faith or not following the counsel of my church leaders. I've read and heard what many leaders say on the topic. And I do not think any of them would condone me for what I am doing. I also know that we have been instructed to get an education and use it when necessary. I have the job I do today because I have an education, I continued taking classes after graduation and have kept my certifications current. I feel my job now is a blessing for following that counsel.

Just because I have a job, it doesn't mean that my kids and family are not my top priority. They always have and always will be first. Anyone who has been to my house lately would know that the house isn't always perfectly clean, there are probably some toys on the floor, and the laundry might sit in the basket for a day or two waiting to be folded. But my kids are loved and taught and played with. The girls know that if I say, "Guess what?" the following phrase will be that "I love you." They know that I am always here for them. And I love to hear them talk about our happy family.

Do I dream of the day when I quit my job? You better believe it but until then I am going to enjoy my life as is. I like my job. I love teaching. And I have discovered that I CAN love my teaching job and my church jobs and most importantly my family jobs and do all of them. And not feel guilty about it.

Edited to add: I should note the nothing was said directly to me about situation. (I think most people know me well enough to not get in that debate directly with me). Just more general terms about being a working mom in different things I have read and conversations I have heard.


Jennifer Woodbury said...

Mandy, you are amazing and one of the most faithful people I know. If there are really people out there who would question that just because you have a job...well, you don't want to know what I would have to say to them. I am glad you don't feel guilt any more.

There are so many working moms (full time, part time, work at home, etc) in my ward, maybe it is more common back East? It just isn't even an issue or debate that is ever brought up here. Okay, jumping down from my soapbox now. :)

Tay said...

I agree with Jennifer. It is hard for me to believe that it is an issue to some. Absurd. It sounds to me that you have the best of both worlds.
I actually would love to have a flexible job that I enjoy- that lets me be a mom and challenge myself in a different capacity. I think it is amazing that you get to be an example of a mother, wife, hard worker, church leader... that seems like it can only be a blessing... seeing their own mother manage work, family and church with a smile on her face. They may not have the option of staying home when they are a mom and your example of hard work and balance will make their future much more manageable. In my opinion... :)

Mandy said...

Nothing was said directly to me. Just stuff I have overheard and read. Don't worry, it doesn't make me feel about anymore, just mad.

Jenn- No need to exaggerate about me.

And Tay- I like to think that the girls are learning the importance of education and hard work and balance from me. Even if it is from my not so good ability to balance life. =)

Steph Weaver said...

And, you are GREAT at all you do! I don't know how you balance everything you do, or remember all you usually remember all that I need to do to, thank goodness! This post made me laugh even more about our conversation this morning...and how I was joking about my really busy work schedule next week...I am pathetic!

I think you forgot to mention one of your other big time consuming responsibilities...