Monday, January 22, 2007

Need some advice

Alright, I need some help on 2 things. First, how do I teach my darling child that climbing up on the tv is not okay? I tried my best Supernanny impression and went down to her level and told her in a stern voice that we didn't do that. She just smiled at me as if to say I will do what I want.

Second, I am a den leader. Next month is the Blue and Gold Banquet (a celebration of Scouting's birthday) . The theme is Aloha Cub Scouts. Along with making rice for lots of people, I am supposed to come up with some centerpieces the boys can help make at our weekly den meetings. Any suggestions?



Courtney said...

IF you figure out how to keep kids from climbing on the furniture be sure to let me know.

As for the blue and gold banquet, what about crepe paper flowers - that shouldn't be too technical for boys or you could do origami boats, cranes, flowers or something (there is a lot of asian influence in Hawaii). I'll keep thinking.

Nancy said...

You could have them make sand candles like you did for your wedding and put shells inside of the sand, but maybe just find cheap sand that isn't colored.

Erich said...

Is crepe paper made from the same stuff as crepes the breakfast food?

How about scantily clad hula girls, thats my vote.

Emily said...

Yeah baby! I'm a den leader, too, but the only difference is we have a Cubmaster who is MIA and if we have a Blue and Gold Banquet in Feb, it will be a miracle. We certainly haven't started planning it.

I'm excited you have a blog! said...

How about scooping out cocunuts and filling them with gold and blue m&ms...yes, I used to be homemaking leader. said...

Buy some cheap votives; paint them blue and gold, put a candle in them and hope you don't burn down the building..or put gold and blue m&ms in them and nix the candles.

Or talk to Courtney's friends who worked for M. Stewart and ask them what M. Stewart did when she was the den mother.

Mandy said...

I am sure Martha did lots of great stuff as den leader.