The second new toy seems a little more normal to me. Laney has taken a new interest in books. In our family room, we have some bookshelves. On the bottom shelf Laney has a basket full of toys and a basket full of books. It has only been the past few weeks that she has realized that is where her toys can be found. But within the past few days she has started playing favorites with her books over her toys. She tries to get them out and if not successful whines until someone helps her. Then she likes to look at the pictures and close the book. Then look through a few pages and close the book. She could probably do it all day if mom or dad would sit down and read with her. Hopefully she is really processing those colors, letters, and most importantly numbers when she reads.
Does Laney ever wear clothes?
So why do I get an online dating service when I go to Courtney's blog?
Emily - I am trying to earn some extra money for the kids college funds and thought online dating service was the way to go. j/k i don'y know why you can't get to my blog. Courtney
Mandy aren't you worried about the bird flu? Time to stock up on your food storage! Good thing Laney likes to read, sounds like she's taking after her mother, glad to see my quilt in the background!
How do you do this cool header? Looks good.
I love your new Header!!! It looks so great - Those pictures are adorable! You are so computer savy - love it!
I made the header using Photshop Elements. It is the program I use for my digital scrapbooking. And Erich did the html stuff to put it up there. I love being married to a computer nerd!
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