Friday, March 30, 2007

Meal time

Meal time has become a very messy time at our house. Usually, Laney only gets to wear a diaper at dinner now because she has ruined too many outfits while eating. She loves to play with her food, smash it on her face, put it in her hair, and throw it on the floor. And her latest, is looking at her food. Just this week she has started a very strange habit. She puts the food in her mouth, gnaws it a bit, and then takes it out and looks at it. Sometiems it goes back in the mouth and other times it goes straight to the floor. I though it might be because she didn't like the taste but she doesn't seem to have any discretion as to what goes back in and what goes on the floor. One goldfish goes back in and the other on the floor. What a weirdo!


Katharine said...


I was just about to blog about this same issue. Addy is doing the exact same thing. I am going crazy cleaning her up every meal! I think I might have to resort to a diaper only now. Usually after dinner we have such a mess she goes straight to the bath. Its funny but its getting pretty annoying. I was hoping that there was a magical invention that would help with keeping babies clean during meal time. I am just hoping this phase will pass quickly. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, just a diaper is the only way to go at this age!

Unknown said...

oh boy! we went through that phase (luckily several months ago and it hasn't returned...yet)! that's when I asked for a Dustbuster for Christmas.

Nancy said...

I'm glad you let her get dirty and play with her food, I'm sure it will make her a much more creative soul!