Sunday, April 1, 2007

A Post of Epic Proportions

I mentioned recently that I saw this blog as a journal- that is why this post might be long. Some of this will interest you, some you will want to skip over. All of it is stuff I want to remember. So here goes.

I am pregnant. I am 13 and 1/2 weeks pregnant. And my baby is not yet 1! And I couldn't be happier. I am due somewhere between October 4th and 7th (Conference weekend). That puts my 2 kids about 17 and 1/2 months apart. Many of you are probably thinking what others have said, "That is kind of close together! I wonder if it is planned" It is close together and people assure me they will be close friends because of it. This baby was planned-- it is just about 6 months earlier than planned! (Hopefully you get what I am saying!)

Now to answer the questions everyone will ask:

I am feeling pretty good. I am starting to have some energy back which is nice. I am suffering with some back issues- picking up and putting down Laney is a hard task. My doctor referred me to physical therapy that I will start tomorrow. Hopefully it helps.

I don't care whether it is a boy or a girl. I can see pros to either sex. My sister informed me though that we are only accepting boys though so I think you can see what she wants. And I never have those feelings as to what I think it is. So I am not making any guesses yet. But we do find out on May 7th what gender the baby is!

I will go to work next year. 99% of the reason I work is for health insurance. Another baby is another good reason to continue to have health insurance. And Erich says he will be just fine with both babies!

And we are very excited about the baby. I am sure it will take a little adjustment but we can't wait to meet our new addition.

Some of my favorite reactions:

When I told my mom very early on, she calmly said, "You will be fine Mandy. You can do it." (She would know. I have a brother and sister that are 12 months and 2 weeks apart.)

My sister, who had 4 children within 2 years, kindly said, "Don't you think that is kind of close together." (Not any closer than yours, Court!)

My older brother Brad who is single and childless said, "Don't you think Laney wanted to be an only child for a little while, Mandy. Like at least a year or two."

And now a confession:
I lied to some of my friends about this a few weeks ago. And I made my mom and sister lie as well. I didn't lie because I was trying to be mean. I lied because I needed some reassurance. My body has done some crazy things with this pregnancy- things that are sometimes considered red flags. Although I have had some other tests, I needed to hear my baby's heartbeat before I shared the news. I heard that heartbeat today. And I feel a sense of relief. So, I hope that all of those who we had to lie to, will forgive me. I wanted to tell you but I needed today to come.

And if some other posts suddenly show up, sorry. I have written some other posts and saved them as drafts about this pregnancy. I am finally publishing them now that I have shared my news!


Anonymous said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! Congratulations! I am so excited for you. I'm so glad you got to hear that heartbeat today, I totally know what a relief that must have been. Wow, just wow! Congrats again!

Unknown said...

Yeah! That's amazing news. Thanks for sharing.

1. I'm glad you are feeling okay. I hope the back feels better and the pregnancy goes well.

2. I CAN'T wait to find out boy or girl. That will be an exciting post.

3. Lindsey and I are 17 1/2 months apart. You know our story. :)

What an adventure. Keep us posted!

Nancy said...

You are so, so busted! TROUBLE, with a capitol T! I sure hope you thought of me as soon as you figured it out, don't worry Mandy, this is really the best thing, I'm so excited for you! Your kids will be best friends, and you'll be glad you dove in and just got the second one out of the way quick before you had a chance to really think about it too much. And then take a break after #2 for crying out loud! We'll see about forgiving the lie thing, maybe if you bring me the Office season 1 when you come, then we'll see. But really, truly, you'll love having two so close. P.S. about the back thing, maybe try a chiropractor, I had to with my first pregnancy, and it was the best thing I ever did, Congrats Mandakins, you cute little Mother!

Katharine said...

Ahhhhh...Mandy that is fantastic news! My brother and I are 13 months apart and it was great! Keep us updated on the pregnancy. Congratulations Mandy and Erich!!!

Adrienne said...

CONGRATULATIONS! This is the best new EVER! I am so glad to hear that you are feeling well and I am sure that everything will turn out great. You are such a loving, capable and compassionate woman and these children and future children are so lucky to have you for a mother!

Lindsey said...

Congratulations! I am so excited for you guys! I hope you don't worry too much about what others may say. You have a great attitude about it, and if you can handle an entire class of 7th graders, I KNOW that you will do great with 2 toddlers!

Anonymous said...

yeah! congratulations mandy (and erich, and laney). we need to hang out and still be friends even though we don't live in the same house anymore. i'm glad you are feeling better.

Courtney said...

We are all excited for the new one to arrive but don't forget we are only accepting nephews at this time (unless of course this baby is a girl - I guess then we'll make an exception).

Emily said...

Mandy, that is awesome. Congratulations! I loved your mom's reaction--I can hear her saying that. And I really liked Brad's reaction, seeing as he is one of the siblings who is so close in age to another. Maybe he wishes he had a little time to get to be the only child!