Monday, October 1, 2007

Coming tomorrow

Allie is coming tomorrow. I am going in at 6:30 am to be induced! So excited. So scared. And a little sad about what a big change I am making in Laney's life! Will post more after Allie arrives.


Courtney said...

We are so excited for you! I remember those same feelings the day before I had the girls. Don't worry you realy can love two.

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!!! YAY!! Can't wait to meet Allie!

Suzette said...

Like Courtney, I remember those feelings so well when the 2nd one came. You are "adding" to Laney's life, not "taking away"! I must get busy on a new hat for Allie right away! Good luck, post pictures when you can.

Unknown said...

Woohoo. So exciting. I hope it happens this way for me come #2 too... :)

Good luck. I'm sure all will go perfectly. I can't wait to see how chubby she is.

Katharine said...

Mandy we are so excited! Congrats! We hope all goes well...we will be thinking of you guys today!

Adrienne said...

Oh My Goodness!!! I will be thinking about you all day!

Nancy said...

I talked to Court yesterday and she failed to mention this fact! Good luck Mandy! I'm waiting to hear through the grapevine, I'm sure you will be awesome!

Ashley said...

Good luck! I'm excited to see pics! I felt the same way when having Chase about Livy. Hey, on a side note...Have you seen that new show Chuck? I think the guy looks like Erich and then the other night it was on and Olivia came in the room and said that's Erich:) Funny.
Anyway, good luck!

Unknown said...

I've checked this blog too many times today. (Hoping that Erich was into mobile blogging from his cell phone.)

Courtney said...

For anyone checking the messages, Allie Jane was born today shortly before 2pm. She weighed just under 7 lbs 12 oz or something like that and is 20 inches (sorry I was driving while talking to Mandy and wasn't able to write anything down). Mandy is going to have Erich send me some pics and other info so I can get on and post for her tonight.

Erich said...
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Erich said...

Pics at more at: