Monday, March 28, 2011

Mommy guilt and some firsts

Recently the girls found Laney's scrapbook of her first year of life. They love to look at it. It's been all fun until yesterday it finally hit Allie that there isn't a book like that of her life. So I tried to redeem myself by showing her the pages I had done of the first 5 months of her life. And that was great. But she wants her book printed NOW. And I am having serious mommy guilt. So last night I did March 2008. And as soon as I am done with this post I will do April. And I promised to have her orange book (Laney's scrapbook happens to be red but Allie insists on orange since that is her favorite color!) done by Easter. But while remembering March of 2008, I was glad I was a good blogger then. Because I could read over my entries and look at pictures and I totally knew what Allie learned that month. So as to remember Nixon in March of 2011, I must record that while he still prefers the army crawl/use one arm as momentum to pull himself across the room method of crawling, it has been proven in the past few weeks that he can really crawl. And in an effort to one up his older sisters he broke his first tooth last week. Who knew kids actually got teeth before turning 1? That is another story about mommy guilt and being the worst mom around but will leave that for another day. For now, just enjoy that adorable face.


Jennifer Woodbury said...

Oh my goodness, he is already a man! How did he get so big? He's adorable.

Ashley said...

Not the worst. I don't even have a book for my first, let alone my 3rd - or blogs for the first two:)