Monday, April 11, 2011

"Please bless. . .

that my cousins will come back after my mommy and daddy's birthday."

That was my favorite line of Laney's prayer last night.

You see, last week all of my siblings were in town. And better yet, all of my nieces and nephews on my side of the family were here- including the 6 who live far, far away.. And my kids were in heaven. We counted down their arrival for more than a week. And every night after we said good-bye to them, the girls would ask what we were going to do the next day with them. And then their prayers would include something like "Please bless we can go to the pool tomorrow with our cousins" or "Please bless Uncle Gay and Aunt Tay and Lulu can come to Grandma's house for breakfast tomorrow."

And so even though we were all sad on Friday afternoon to say our good-byes, I could tell the kids that we would see the cousins soon. That after mommy and daddy's birthdays, they would be coming back. And knowing that makes everything better.

For a better recap of our trip and some fun pcitures of the chaos, check out my sister's post.

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