1. How is Allie sleeping? Actually quite well. She usually wakes up only time a night so I can't complain. She has two small problems. One, she is a loud sleeper. It is not a problem for Allie or for Erich but it is for me. I wake up when she starts to grunt and think she is ready to eat. Yet she remains asleep for another 30-45 minutes. I don't though. Last night, I went and slept on the couch so I could sleep peacefully. Second, sometimes she wants to be held to sleep well. Luckily it usually happens when she is first going to bed or early in the morning so I can still catch a little shut eye while sleeping. Anyone have any suggestions on how to solve that problem?
2. How is Laney handling the new baby? Actually quite well. She does not
appear to be jealous or mad at the baby. And she doesn't seem to want to hurt the baby. That being said, we cannot leave Laney near Allie alone. Laney by nature is a little rough and while she tries to be soft, at 17 months old she doesn't completely get it. And she doesn't understand that the she is not big enough to hold the baby and such. We have to be careful that she doesn't try to pull Allie off the couch or sit on top of her when she is trying to sit next to her. She still likes to give her kisses and quickly looks to help Allie if she hears her crying. And Laney is definitely trying to turn back her age. She LOVES the bouncy seat and acts as if it is her own recliner. She also has a sudden interest in bottles and pacifiers whether they be Allie's or her baby dolls.

3. How am I doing? Physically, I am good. I have felt like this recovery has been much easier than that of my first pregnancy. I feel good. I sleep good. I shouldn't be able to complain. But I won't lie, I suffer from some post-partum issues. I am not sure I would call it depression, more of anxiety. I am scared to have my mom leave because I am not really sure I can handle it on my own. So every time I think about her leaving, I cry. I worry about my kids growing up far away from both sets of grandparents, so I cry. I think about my kids growing up and whether or not I can really be a good mom, and I cry. So my mother, who was supposed to fly home tomorrow, has helped pack me up and is taking the girls and me home for the week. I know that in a week, I will have to deal with some of these same issues but hopefully by then, I will have some of these pregnancy hormones a little more under control. And I will have a little more experience with having 2 kids. Maybe then, I will cry a little less about saying good-bye to my mom.

So that is how our adjustment is going. We all love Allie. We are so glad she is a part of our family. And we are sure that given a little time, it will all seem perfectly normal to us!
Thanks for finally posting some more pics!! I can't wait to see you guys. BTW, I totally get the anxiety thing.
I am sad that I am not in AZ to see your cute little baby! I suffer from anxiety most of the time so I can relate to those feelings! Give yourself some time, you will adjust to having 2 kids...you will do great!
I love the hat, a new one is on it's way.
I totally suffered from teh anxiety thing too. I think it is totally normal. I have all the fiath in you that you are going to be a fantastic mother to two girls! By the way... you have a BEAUTIFUL family!
They are just so adorable. My favorite is of Laney in the bouncy seat!!!
It was so good to see you, Betsy and Allie last night! Thanks for letting us come over. I was telling Brian that she's so perfect looking that she almost looks like a doll. I'm glad most everything is good, and that you get to go to AZ for a week. I'm sure it will do you some good to be home for a while.
You seriously have the two cutest girls - love that last picture especially. I am already feeling anxious, so I can totally understand. I'm sure going to Phoenix will help out a lot. Have fun!!
Congratulations Mandy!!! I'm glad your coming to AZ. I better get to see you this time. Allie is such a doll and Laney is getting so big. Hope to see you soon!!!!
After week #2, life gets SO much easier! It just takes a while to get into the routine of being a mom of two. I'm glad you're headed to AZ to have help for a little bit longer! Enjoy your time there!
Here is the deal. I can step in. In any way that you need me to. Need me to take Laney? Done. Need me to cook dinner and do you laundry? Done. Whatever you need. Now the offer is there so take it.
Also, I totally did the crying over things too. It's normal. After Elizabeth was born I would have a breakdown crying for about an hour at 8pm everynight for a week.
You ARE a wonderful mom. Don't doubt.
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